You can choose from seven Drop spas with different features. Whether you want an electric heating system or a more traditional wood heating system for your spa, we have just the right choice for you - with or without bubbles. Every model can be fully or partially embedded in the terrace with skirting or as you wish. There are three different color options.
Elecrical heating or wood heating system?

SPAS WIth electrical heating:


Drop X, Vuolle, Drop S, Lähde,
Lampi, Vuolle Compact


spas with wood heating:



Do you enjoy bubbles? If so - what kind of bubbles?

Massaging nozzles


Drop X, Vuolle, Drop S,

Vuolle Compact


atmospheric bubbles



Which size do you prefer?

220 x 220 CM

Drop X, Vuolle, Drop S, Lähde,

Lampi, Pisara


190 x 190 CM

Drop Vuolle Compact


Drop X


- 46 nozzles

- massage seats for five

- Massage pump 2,6 kW / 3.5 hp




Drop Vuolle

- 32 nozzles

- massage seats for four

- Massage pump 1,5 kW / 2 hp




Drop S


- 4 pc of 6″ massage nozzles

- massage seats for four

- Massage pump 1,1 kW / 1.4 hp



Drop Lähde

- aerator system

- LED pool light




Vuolle compact

- 24 nozzles

- smaller size




Drop Lampi


- outdoor spa




Drop pisara


- outdoor spa



Read more


Drop Lampi


- outdoor spa



Drop Lähde

- aerator system

- LED pool light



Choose your favorite from three color options, embed the outdoor pool completely or halfway in to the terrace or cover beautifully with wood skirting.



The high-quality Drop outdoor spas can be used in every weather.
Our spas are designed and crafted in Finland, so we can guarantee that the
Finnish weather conditions have really been taken into account.
Our outdoor spas are durable, low-maintenance and best of all, always bath ready.
When you feel the need to relax a little, all you have to do is take off the lid and take a deep breath.
The outdoor pool is a place for relaxation and enjoyment any time of the week.
It definitely is the perfect investment for your own well-being.

Superior ease and comfort of use


Drop is designed to be used year-round, regardless of weather conditions.


Our add-on feature ControlMySpa™ is a smartphone app that enables you to monitor and adjust your Drop temperatures from anywhere at any time.




 It’s important to keep your spa clean and hygienic. Drop Spas are equipped with filtration and UV-systems, which play an important role in maintaining the spa.

It’s necessary to use the right chemicals to support the system. Drop Spa comes with a starter-kit allowing you to get started with the regular upkeep of the water from the beginning.